Art History Minor

Dive into the vibrant world of art history! Explore ancient marvels and cutting-edge trends while honing your skills in speaking, writing and critical thinking. Connect the dots between past and present through hands-on art creation, unraveling the stories behind every brushstroke. Join us for a dynamic adventure where creativity knows no bounds.

About the Program

With a minor in art history, you will:

  • Enhance speaking, writing and critical thinking skills by exploring how arts of the past inform contemporary ideas
  • Engage with a variety of art historical topics from ancient to contemporary art, developing an understanding of materials, concepts, cultures and criticism
  • Connect sensory perceptions and innovations of the past to current artistic expression through research and hands-on art creation
  • Enjoy diverse experiences, including electronic venues, gallery visits, museum trips or international travel
  • Develop a personal aesthetic viewpoint and formulate valuing positions about artworks in diverse global communities
  • Gain expanded visual literacy, cultural awareness and research and writing skills
A young woman looks at a painting in an art museum
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